Good morrow readers! I’m delighted you’re reading a few chapters of The Mom Adventures. This gentle nook of the internet is written and curated by me, Naomi Griffiths, with a little help and inspiration from my children, my little co-authors.
I’m a proud mom of two wonderful kids and I’ve been on this journey of motherhood for over a decade now. From sleepless nights to first steps and beyond, I’ve been through it all and I wouldn’t trade a single moment for anything in the world.
Being a mother is truly an adventure of a lifetime, but it’s also a full-time job, a learning curve, a lifestyle, and so much more.

That is why, through my blog, I hope to provide some guidance and support for all parents out there who deal with the same troubles with their little tribbles. I hope you find my adventures helpful!
Naomi Griffiths